第一作者 论文题目 发表年度 刊物名称
Yong Li Reaction Thermodynamics of Al2O3, Fe2O3, and SiO2 during Carbochlorination Process 2017 CHEMISTRY LETTERS
Zhilei Tang Green synthesis of the excellent magnesium oxysulfate whiskers under controlled reaction conditions 2017 Materials Chemistry and Physics
Faying Fan Hydrogen sensing properties of Pt-Au bimetallic nanoparticles loaded on ZnO nanorods 2017 Sensors and actuators B: Chemical
张西营 Reconstruction of Late Cretaceous coastal paleotemperature from halite deposits of the Late Cretaceous Nongbok Formation (Khorat Plateau, Laos) 2016 Palaeo World
苗卫良 Clay mineralogical and geochemical constraints on late Pleistoceneweathering processes of the Qaidam Basin, northern Tibetan Plateau 2016 Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
程怀德 Implications for the origin of secondary sylvite from a simulation of carnallite dissolution 2016 Journal of Geochemical Exploration
张艳灵 三步离子交换方法用于粘土沉积物酸溶相中硼同位素测定 2016 Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry
马云麒 High Precise Determination of Bromine Isotopic Ratios by Positive Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry Using Static Multicollection Based on Cs2Br+ Ions 2016 Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry
付江涛 The influence of plant root system architectural properties upon the stability of loess hillslopes, Northeast Qinghai-Tibet,China 2016 Journal of Mountain Science
武君 Inorganic pollution around the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: An overview of the current observations 2016 Science of The Total Environment
李法强 Dual-salts of LiTFSI and LiODFB for high voltage cathode LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 2016 Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry
上官雪慧 Mixed Salts of LiFSI and LiODFB for Stable LiCoO2-Based Batteries 2016 Journal of The Electrochemical Society
刘红艳 Characterizing Ni(II) hydration in aqueous solution using DFT and EXAFS 2016 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MODELING
周永全 Structure of Aqueous Lithium Tetraborate Solution 2016 JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE
苗军涛 Investigation on species distribution and EXAFS structure of aqueous rubidium pentaborate solutions 2016 Journal of Molecular Structure
吴志坚 Some Physicochemical Aspects of Water-Soluble Mineral Flotation 2016 Advances in Colloid and Interface Science
Direct imaging charge distribution in reduced graphene oxide sheets induced by isolated charges 2016 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
李翔 Preparation and thermal energy storage studies of CH3COONa?3H2O-KCl composites salt system with enhanced phase change performance 2016 Applied Thermal Engineering
李翔 Phase change behavior of latent heat storage media based on calcium chloride hexahydrate composites containing strontium chloride hexahydrate and oxidation expandable graphite 2016 Applied Thermal Engineering
董金美 Effects of Calcination Temperature of Boron-Containing Magnesium Oxide Raw Materials on Properties of Magnesium Phosphate Cement as a Biomaterial 2016 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater Science Edition