第一作者 论文题目 发表年度 刊物名称
李慧芳 Extraction kinetics of lithium from salt lake brine by N,N-bis(2-ethylhexyl) acetamide using Lewis Cell 2018 Hydrometallurgy
Yongjuan Sun Luminescence dating of prehistoric hearths in Northeast Qinghai Lake and its paleoclimatic implication 2018 ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES
FuYuan An Abnormal Rb/Sr ratio in lacustrine sediments of Qaidam Basin, NE QinghaieTibetan Plateau: A significant role of aeolian dust input 2018 QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL
Fuyuan An Luminescence Chronology and Radiocarbon Reservoir Age Determination of Lacustrine Sediments from the Heihai Lake, NE Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and Its Paleoclimate Implications 2018 Journal of Earth Science
Haili Zhu The Influences of Riparian Vegetation on Bank Failures of a Small Meadow-Type Meandering River 2018 water
Jun Wu Distribution and health risks of aerosol black carbon in a representative city of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 2018 Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Leiming Li Distribution, pollution, bioaccumulation, and ecological risks of trace elements in soils of the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 2018 Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
Jun Wu Pollution, ecological-health risks, and sources of heavy metals in soil of the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 2018 Chemosphere
高春亮 Heavy metal concentrations in sediments from Xingyun Lake, southwestern China: Implications for environmental changes and human activities 2018 Environmental Earth Sciences
HAICHENG WEI Assessing the impact of human activities on surface pollen assemblages in Qinghai Lake Basin, China 2018 Journal of Quaternary Science
QiShun Fan Sr isotope and major ion compositional evidence for formation of Qarhan Salt Lake, western China 2018 Chemical Geology
山俊杰 瞬变电磁法解释煤矿地下含水构造研究—以内蒙古东明露天矿为例 2018 盐湖研究
秦占杰 老挝甘蒙钾盐矿床钾镁盐矿层中裂隙水的地球化学特征及其成因探讨 地质学报
秦占杰 Extraction and Separation of Boron in Anhydrite and Gypsum Minerals and Its Isotopic Measurement by Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry 2018 CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
艾子业 基于水文地球化学模拟的昆特依盐湖杂卤石成矿流体来源初步研究 2018 盐湖研究
韩继龙 柴达木盆地西部天青石矿区矿物学与元素地球化学特征研究 2018 盐湖研究
Ji-long Han Origin of Boron and Brine Evolution in Saline Springs in the Nangqen Basin, Southern Tibetan Plateau 2018 Geofluids
石海岩 柴达木盆地西北部大风山天青石矿床地球化学特征及成矿物源属性探讨 2018 地质学报
袁小龙 环境温度对盐湖卤水化学组成及储卤层渗透性变化的制约 2018 地质学报
袁秦 A late Eocene palynological record from the Nangqian Basin, Tibetan Plateau: Implications for stratigraphy and paleoclimate 2017 Palaeoworld