第一作者 论文题目 发表年度 刊物名称
韩积斌 The exchange relationship of surface water-groundwater and uranium flux in the Gas Hure Salt Lake of northwest Qaidam Basin, China 2019 湖泊科学
Zhang, Xiangru Boron isotope geochemistry of a brine-carbonate system in the Qaidam Basin, western China 2019 SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY
Du, Yongsheng Evaluation of boron isotopes in halite as an indicator of the salinity of Qarhan paleolake water in the eastern Qaidam Basin, western China 2019 GEOSCIENCE FRONTIERS
Zeng, Fangmin Temperature changes reconstructed from branched GDGTs on the central Loess Plateau during the past 130-5 ka 2019 QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL
Wei, Hai-cheng Using coprophilous fungi to reconstruct the history of pastoralism in the Qinghai Lake Basin, Northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau 2019 PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY-EARTH AND ENVIRONMENT
山俊杰 新疆库车盆地富钾盐泉水化学特征与成钾显示 2019 地质学报
李玉文 柴达木盆地大盐滩矿区深层晶间卤水的成因 2019 盐湖研究
李建森 东昆仑山南、北两侧富锂盐湖成因的氢、氧和锶同位素指示 2019 湿地科学
余建荣 老挝固体钾盐矿选矿设计的优化与创新——以开元500 kt/a氯化钾项目为例 2019 盐湖研究
Zhang, Xiangru The Source, Distribution, and Sedimentary Pattern of K-Rich Brines in the Qaidam Basin, Western China 2019 MINERALS
Xiang, Jiangyun Distribution, Source Identification, and Assessment of Potentially Toxic Elements in the Sediment Core from the Estuarine Region of the Golmud River to the Qarhan Salt Lake, Qinghai, China 2019 MINERALS
Kong, Fancui Evaluation of lacustrine groundwater discharge and associated nutrients, trace elements and DIC loadings into Qinghai Lake in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, using radium isotopes and hydrological methods 2019 CHEMICAL GEOLOGY
Fu, Jiang-tao Influences of soil moisture and salt content on loess shear strength in the Xining Basin, northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 2019 JOURNAL OF MOUNTAIN SCIENCE
Li, Qingkuan Hydrochemistry, Distribution and Formation of Lithium-Rich Brines in Salt Lakes on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau 2019 MINERALS
李淑霞 寒旱环境盐胁迫条件下两种草本植物的根系力学特性研究 2019 盐湖研究
王建萍 基于GIS 空间管理系统的中国盐湖资源与环境数据平台 2019 盐湖研究
李淑霞 西宁盆地4种草本和灌木植物降盐效应试验研究 2019 干旱区研究
余冬梅 青海柴达木盆地盐湖区5种盐生植物根-土复合体抗剪强度影响因素及评价 2019 水土保持研究
Wang, Qiugui Historical changes in the major and trace elements in the sedimentary records of Lake Qinghai, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: implications for anthropogenic activities 2019 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY AND HEALTH
Wu, Jun Adsorptive Removal of Tetracyclines and Fluoroquinolones Using Yak Dung Biochar 2019 BULLETIN OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY