第一作者 论文题目 发表年度 刊物名称
Fang Chunhui Recent Progress on Structure of Aqueous Polyborate Solutions 2019 盐湖研究
张文倩 DFT对Rb+水合团簇及其相关性质的分析 2019 盐湖研究
刘红艳 SO42-微观水合结构DFT研究 2019 计算机与应用化学
Hussain, Syed Asim Climate Change Impact on the Evolution of the Saline Lakes of the Soan-Sakaser Valley (Central Salt Range; Pakistan): Evidences from Hydrochemistry and Water (D, O-18) and Chlorine (Cl-37) Stable Isotopes 2019 WATER
Zhang Yan-Ling Correlation between Boron Isotope of Coral Acropora and pH Value of Seawater Surface 2019 CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Lu Shuang Rock magnetic characteristics and magnetic susceptibility change mechanism of the loess since 8. 5 ka in the southern margin of Tarim Basin 2019 CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION
Chen, Tianyuan Luminescence chronology and palaeoenvironmental significance of limnic relics from the Badain Jaran Desert, northern China 2019 JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES
杨剑 Application of Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid Disodium Salt to High Precision Measurement of Isotope of Boron in Acid. soluble Fraction of Sediments 2019 CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
年秀清 微量元素分析在判别沉积环境中的应用!———以柴达木盆地西部锶矿区富锶地层为例 2019 盐湖研究
吕爽 塔里木盆地南缘8.5ka以来的黄土岩石磁学特征及其磁化率变化机制 2019 地球物理学报
Liu, Xiang-Jun Downwind aeolian sediment accumulations associated with lake-level variations of the Qinghai Lake during the Holocene, Northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau 2019 ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES
Gao, Chunliang The sedimentary evolution of Da Qaidam Salt Lake in Qaidam Basin, northern Tibetan Plateau: implications for hydro-climate change and the formation of pinnoite deposit 2019 ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES
高春亮 晚冰期以来大柴旦盐湖沉积记录的古气候演变及其尘暴事件 2019 盐湖研究
Li, Yun Orbital and millennial northern mid-latitude westerlies over the last glacial period 2019 CLIMATE DYNAMICS
Qin, Xiwei; Ma Geochemical Constraints on the Origin and Evolution of Spring Waters in the Changdu-Lanping-Simao Basin, Southwestern China 2019 ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA-ENGLISH EDITION
Liu, Xiuting Geochronology and petrogenesis of Neoproterozoic S-type granites from the Qilian Block, north-west China, and their geological implications 2019 GEOLOGICAL JOURNAL
Cheng, Huaide Raman and XRD study of polyhalite ore during calcinations 2019 VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY
Cheng, Huaide The Sensitivity of Temperature to Tachyhydrite Formation: Evidence from Evaporation Experiments of Simulated Brines Based on Compositions of Fluid Inclusions in Halite 2019 GEOFLUIDS
程怀德 昆特依盐湖杂卤石矿“焙烧-热浸”溶钾实验研究 2019 无机盐工业
马海州 昌都—兰坪—呵叻成盐带白垩纪成盐成钾过程 2019 盐湖研究