第一作者 论文题目 发表年度 刊物名称
Wu, Jun Life cycle assessment on boron production: is boric acid extraction from salt-lake brine environmentally friendly? 2021 CLEAN TECHNOLOGIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY
Baolan Li Speciation and correlation of boron and lithium in surficial sediments of the eastern and western Taijinar Salt Lake 2021 Environmental Earth Sciences
Leiming Li Lead and Chromium Immobilization Process Subjected to Different Freeze-Thaw Treatments in Soils of the Northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 2021 Journal of Chemistry
Duan, Ronglei Modern Pollen Assemblages in Typical Agro-Pastoral Ecotone in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau and Its Implications for Anthropogenic Activities 2021 FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION
Wei, Haicheng Fungal spore indicators of vegetation and highland pastoralism in modern topsoil and dung, eastern Tibetan Plateau 2021 CATENA
Wei, Haicheng Fungal spore record of pastoralism on the NE Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau since the middle Holocene 2021 SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES
Li, Yun; Han Correlation and anti-correlation of the Asian summer monsoon and westerlies during the Holocene 2021 GONDWANA RESEARCH
魏海成 真菌孢子记录的全新世中期以来青藏高原东北部地区畜牧活动历史 2021 中国科学:地球科学
Tang Qi-liang Mineralogical characteristics and sedimentary envrionment significance of water-insoluble minerals in potash deposits of Vientiane Basin of Laos 2021 CARBONATES AND EVAPORITES
Li, Jun; Zhang Halogenases of Qarhan Salt Lake in the Qaidam Basin: Evidence From Halite Fluid Inclusions 2021 FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE
唐启亮 老挝万象盆地钾盐矿床成盐晚期沉积环境:来自硼酸盐矿物的证据 2021 地球科学
李玉龙 西昆仑地区苦水湖富锂盐湖水化学特征及成盐元素来源 2021 地球科学
耿鋆 柴达木盆地大气降尘可溶盐物源探讨及其资源与环境影响 2021 地质学报
卢鋆 柴达木盆地中部一里坪—西台吉乃尔地区深层卤水水化学特征及成因初探 2021 地质学报
李俊 柴达木盆地昆特依盐湖含杂卤石地层高分辨率矿物学研究 2021 地质学报
唐启亮 万象盆地不同成钾区的水不溶矿物对比及其指示意义 2021 地质学报
耿鋆 柴达木盆地中东部表土盐类矿物分布特征及其与盐尘暴物源联系 2021 岩石矿物学杂志
李兴意 大苏干湖湖水蒸发过程中析盐规律及pH值变化 2021 盐湖研究
丛禄 青藏高原中部当穹错末次冰消期以来湖面变化研究 2021 第四纪研究
Cong, Lu Radiocarbon and Luminescence Dating of Lacustrine Sediments in Zhari Namco, Southern Tibetan Plateau 2021 FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE