第一作者 论文题目 发表年度 刊物名称
李建森 阿尔金山两侧盐湖物质来源、成钾作用及其控制因素研究 2021 地质学报
李建森 水化学及氢氧同位素组成指示的涩北气田地层水成因 2021 安全与环境工程
樊启顺 氯化钙型卤水成因的研究进展及其科学问题 2021 盐湖研究
姜盼武 柴达木盆地水—岩硼含量分布特征及其富集区域物源讨论 2021 盐湖研究
马正明 哈达贺休盐湖卤水氢氧同位素特征及成因分析 2021 盐湖研究
Lu, Xiaohang Nature of Volatile Organic Matter in Lake Sediments as a Reflection of Paleoclimate Changes Occurring at 4 ka in the Central Qaidam Basin 2021 FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE
Ma, Zhe The Forming Age and the Evolution Process of the Brine Lithium Deposits in the Qaidam Basin Based on Geochronology and Mineral Composition 2021 FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE
Hussain, Syed Asim Unraveling Sources and Climate Conditions Prevailing during the Deposition of Neoproterozoic Evaporites Using Coupled Chemistry and Boron Isotope Compositions (delta B-11): The Example of the Salt Range, Punjab, Pakistan 2021 MINERALS
Lu, Shuang Middle to late Eocene chemical weathering history in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau and its response to global cooling 2021 PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY
卢晓航 不同岩性盐湖沉积物中挥发性有机质的特征 2021 盐湖研究
张光武 察尔汗盐湖西北部典型采区地下卤水赋存状态的地面核磁探测与数值模拟研究 2021 盐湖研究
陈富洪 格尔木河地表径流的趋势和突变特征分析 2021 盐湖研究
苏维刚 钻孔应变的干扰源及其干扰机制的多方法分析 2021 大地测量与地球动力学
Ling, Zhiyong Geochemical characteristics and provenance of aeolian sediments in the Yarlung Tsangpo valley, Southern Tibetan Plateau 2021 ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES
Kong, Fancui Deep hydrothermal and shallow groundwater borne lithium and boron loadings to a mega brine lake in Qinghai Tibet Plateau based on multi-tracer models 2021 JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY
Han, Jinjun Driving factors of desertification in Qaidam Basin, China: An 18-year analysis using the geographic detector model 2021 ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS
陈亮 柴达木盆地表土重金属污染与来源分析 2021 环境科学
相江芸 格尔木河表层沉积物重金属污染现状及潜在生态风险评价 2021 盐湖研究
孔凡翠 大柴旦盐湖中镭同位素分布特征来源及示踪意义 2021 湖泊科学
Li, Leiming Effect of freeze-thaw cycles on soil physicochemical properties and fractions of Pb and Cr in the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 2021 GEOCHEMISTRY-EXPLORATION ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS