第一作者 论文题目 发表年度 刊物名称
Chai Xiao-li Rapid Determination of Trace Iodine in Oilfield Brine Based on Oxidation-Atomic Emission Spectrometry 2021 SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS
Zhang, Yaoling Chemical characterization of non-volatile dissolved organic matter from oilfield-produced brines in the Nanyishan area of the western Qaidam Basin, China 2021 CHEMOSPHERE
杨克利 卤水中溶解性有机质的光谱学性质和光降解行为研究 2021 地学前缘
边绍菊 川东北普光地区深层富钾卤水钾资源提取研究 2021 地学前缘
柴小丽 ICP-AES测定微量碘进样装置的设计及应用 2021 盐湖研究
李欣倩 高碳铬铁EDXRF分析中的制样条件优化 2021 盐湖研究
柴小丽 氧化-原子发射光谱快速测定油田水中微量碘 2021 光谱学与光谱分析
李东东 Na~(+), K~(+), Mg~(2+), Ca~(2+) // Cl~(-), SO_(4)~(2-)-H_(2)O六元体系中杂卤石形成条件的再认识 2021 地学前缘
路淼 基于Pitzer模型预测Na-K-Ca-Mg-Cl-H_(2)O溶液的密度 2021 地学前缘
崔瑞芝 六元体系Li-Na-K-Mg-Cl-SO_4-H_2O多温相平衡预测 2021 盐湖研究
路淼 MgCl_2-CaCl_2-H_2O体系多温下的体积性质研究 2021 盐湖研究
Zhang, Yue Improving thermal energy storage and transfer performance in solar energy storage: Nanocomposite synthesized by dispersing nano boron nitride in solar salt 2021 SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS
Bai, Lu A nanofiltration membrane fabricated on a surfactant activated substrate with improved separation performance and acid resistance 2021 NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY
Ge, Haiwen Phase equilibria in the ternary systems (MgSO4+MgB4O7+H2O) and (MgSO4+Mg2B6O11+H2O) at 273.15 K and 288.15 K: solubility and polyborate distribution 2021 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS
张月 纳米粒子掺杂太阳盐复合材料热物性研究 2021 无机盐工业
白露 氧化石墨烯改性聚酰胺膜研究进展 2021 无机盐工业
李志录 膜特征对锂资源提取过程的影响 2021 化工进展
李燕 纳滤膜对高镁锂比盐湖卤水镁锂分离性能研究 2021 化工学报
Zhang, Guotai Improved structural stability and adsorption capacity of adsorbent material Li1.6Mn1.6O4 via facile surface fluorination 2021 COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS
Shen, Yue Surface evolution of eutectic MgCl2.6H(2)O-Mg(NO3)(2).6H(2)O phase change materials for thermal energy storage monitored by scanning probe microscopy 2021 APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE