第一作者 论文题目 发表年度 刊物名称
彭章旷 沉积硼酸盐矿物硼同位素组成特征及控制因素研究 2022 盐湖研究
张棣 托素湖湖水蒸发过程中析盐及其pH值的变化规律研究 2022 盐湖研究
Wang Single-grain K-feldspar pIRIR dating of the Shalongka archeological site revealed the relationship between monsoon, overbank flooding, and human occupation during the Holocene on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau 2022 Quaternary Science Reviews
Li Westerlies-Monsoon interaction drives out-of-phase precipitation and asynchronous lake level changes between Central and East Asia over the last millennium 2022 Catena
Zhang Timing of Sedimentary Evolution and Transgressions in the Bohai Sea During the Last ~200 ka: Constraints from Luminescence Dating of a Core from the Yellow River Delta 2022 Frontiers in Earth Science
Liu Holocene lake level variations of Dagze Co in central Tibetan Plateau revealed by OSL dates on palaeoshorelines 2022 Catena
Dong Enhanced Arctic sea ice melting controlled by larger heat discharge of mid-Holocene rivers 2022 Nature Communications
Long OSL and radiocarbon dating of a core from the Bohai Sea in China and implication for Late Quaternary transgression pattern 2022 Quaternary Geochronology
Sheng Aeolian landform processes since the last deglaciation revealed by OSL chronology and stratigraphy in the Hulunbuir dune field in NE China 2022 Quaternary Geochronology
樊云龙* 晚更新世以来贵州清水江阶地发育及地貌意义 2022 地理科学
Xiuping Ding a Study on energy storage performance of thermally enhanced composite phase change material of calcium nitrate tetratydrate 2022 Journal of Energy Storage
Yabin Wang a Remarkable reduction ability towards p-nitrophenol by a synergistic effectagainst the aggregation and leaching of palladium nanoparticles indendritic supported catalysts 2022 Applied Surface Science.
马 慧 硅钛杂化介孔球负载金纳米粒子及其催化性能调控 2022 无机材料学报
房毅卓 基于DA-130N超声波密度计的高精度盐田遥测用密度传感器研制 2022 盐湖研究
房毅卓 DS18B20温度传感器在地下盐湖遥测系统中的应用与改进 2022 盐湖研究
陈亮 近20a察尔汗盐湖区景观格局变化与趋势分析 2022 盐湖研究
胡菊芳 基于137Cs和210Pbex方法的高寒草甸坡面土壤侵蚀示踪 2022 盐湖研究
何炳毅 柴达木盆地盐湖区环境污染消纳能力分析 2022 盐湖研究
何炳毅 青海湖布哈河流域枯水期氢氧同位素和氡同位素分布特征及其意义 2022 地质学报
Ling Z.Y. Source of the aeolian sediments in the Yarlung Tsangpo valley and its potential dust contribution to adjacent oceans 2022 Earth Surface Processes and Landforms